CTC Spring Social & Quiz Night

We are pleased to announce the date for the Spring CTC social and quiz night.

Blackwells has been booked from 7.00pm on Friday 21st April with the quiz starting promptly at 7.30pm, so please don't arrive any later than that.

Martyn Dicker will be our quiz host & he will make it fun for all involved.

If you're interested in coming along for the fun then please email:

martyn.dicker2@btinternet.com and /or drop in/post your payment to Ryvoan, Chapel Croft, Chipperfield, Herts WD4 9EH OR by paying the club direct (Bank details are : 48608998  sort code 60 00 08) You still must let Martyn know that you are coming so that he can track attendance numbers.

The cost is £15 and this includes hot food (curry or lasagne). Any veggies/vegans will need to let us know and we can see what Blackwells can do.

Quiz Teams to ideally be a group of at least 4 but no more than 6

We look forward to seeing you all there!