Club House

Dear member,

Proposed LWTC Clubhouse

It’s been long in the making, however the LWTC committee are excited to share with you our ideas for a Clubhouse at the Lower Windrush Tennis Club.

As a member, we would love to hear from you with your thoughts and suggestions and our key objectives for realising this project are:

  • Sheltered viewing area for spectators and parents/carers of juniors
  • WC facilities, especially for juniors during coaching sessions
  • Basic kitchen facilities for use during coaching, club nights and tournaments when hosting visiting clubs during league competitions
  • Storage facilities
  • Indoor seating
  • To create more of a ‘heart’ for the club

After having consulted our Excel tennis coaches and some club members, the LWTC committee would like to progress with the option to erect the clubhouse between court no 1 and the children’s playground (benefitting from previous planning permission and approved by the Parish Council). There is however a second option, to the back of court no 3, making this our ‘centre court’ with enclosed seating areas to either side of the club house, however the additional infrastructure costs make this less of a desirable location.

We have created a PDF information presentation and feel free to contact us to receive a copy as we are keen to hear everyone's thoughts?


Yours sincerely,


LWTC committee

Clive Francis, Treasurer: & Joost Barnas: