
Safeguarding update!

We constantly review our safeguarding practices to make sure that the environment at the club is safe, and that children have a positive and enjoyable experience of tennis there.  As a result of our recent review, we're making some small changes to drop-off and collection arrangements, effective from Saturday 19th August.


In line with NSPCC guidance, we strongly recommend that all children under 13 years attending the club are accompanied by a parent (including guardian, carer or other known adult) outside of any organised sessions, such as coaching lessons or holiday camps.  We always supervise children closely during organised tennis activities but can't guarantee to do this at all other times.

If a parent is unable to supervise their child, arrangements need to be made by the parent to designate an alternative adult to supervise. The club and child must be aware of these arrangements.

Drop off and collection

For all junior coaching sessions, the tarmac Kids' Zone (next to the practice wall) is designated as a Drop-off / Pick-up area.  Children should be brought to that area before their lesson, and collected from there at the end of the lesson.  The gates which lead onto the driveway from court 2 and court 5 will not be in use for entry or exit.  There are clear signs at each of these points.

If your child is to be dropped off at the club or collected from the club by anyone other than a parent, please let us know.  This includes: walking or cycling home, leaving with a friend, etc.  Please also communicate any changes in pick-up arrangements to us.  You can let us know by emailing

Coaches will have access to details of collection arrangements so they can ensure safe transition at the end of each lesson.

We hope everyone will understand the rationale for these changes, and work with us to make the club environment as safe as possible.