Shinfield Tennis Club News and Announcements


Alan White Memorial Doubles Tournament

The Alan White Memorial Doubles Tournament will be held on Sunday, 14th August. 

The event will start at 1pm, and should finish by 4.30pm. 

Unlike previously, this event is open to all members aged 14 years and above, with at least some experience at playing doubles.

This will run as a “round robin tournament - with a difference” which should suit all standards of player, male and female, so do please put your name forward, if you would like to take part in a fun afternoon of summer tennis.

Please let Steve Vaux know as soon as possible, and by Friday night (12 Aug) latest if you would like to take part!! This will enable him to organise as fair a draw as possible.

If someone can volunteer to organize it, the BBQ can be fired up for those needing sustenance.