
Annual Fees 2024- 2025

  • Family £150
  • Single Adult £75
  • Student £27.50
  • Junior (under 18) £27.50
  • Visitor of a member - per session £2.50

To join please email  the following information :

Application Form 2024-2025

  • Name(s)


  • Address​


  • Telephone Number


  • Mobile Number 


  • Email​ Address

Type of membership:​ (Delete as applicable)




Ages of children under 18 (Please specify names and ages)


Please indicate if you require a clubhouse key (a refundable deposit of £10 per key applies).  A combination lock is fitted to the courts.  You will be advised of the code on joining and on any change to the combination.


Clubhouse Key required:  YES / NO


Fee enclosed £           (Including / excluding £10 deposit per key – delete as applicable)


Would you like to join the Aston Cantlow Social Tennis WhatsApp Group  YES/NO


Pay online:

Sort code: 09-01-55 Account No 37216189  

Account Name: Aston Cantlow Tennis Club  

Please ensure you include your surname as the reference when paying online


  • If you are unable to pay online, please make cheque payable to Aston Cantlow Tennis Club and forward to the Treasurer, Wilf Chan, 25 Cherry Orchard, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 9AP.  
  • All correspondence from Aston Cantlow Tennis Club will sent by e-mail.  Please advise us if your address, email address or phone number changes.
  • Renewal memberships are due 1st May 2023
  • The courts are not available to be booked during Social Tennis Sessions which are held every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5.30pm - 7.30pm.  Sunday afternoons 3.30pm-5.30pm if enough members are available.  These sessions are subject to change and additional social sessions may occur.  The courts will be unavailable when booked out for local league matches held at home.
  • PRIVACY NOTICE.  Thank you for completing this registration form. Your personal data will be processed by the Club for the purposes of club and membership administration and to facilitate your participation in league matches, competitions and social events.  Further details are available in our privacy policy which is located in the clubhouse or available on request from
  • For marketing purposes, photos may be used from social tennis and other events on our website and social media, if you do not want to be in any photos used for promoting the club please email
  • Please become a British Tennis Member for free by following this link: