
Open day

With the event due to start at 2pm, it wasn’t looking promising with about 10 minutes to go; dark skies, even a short hailstorm, but our luck was in. The rain stopped, families started to arrive and soon all the activities aimed at the youngest visitors were underway. We even had blue sky!

Some of the visitors had already taken part in their usual Saturday morning coaching session and were keen to play again. The activities were a mixture of basic ball skills and actual racquet skills. There were some seriously good young players.

The stars of the show were, as always, our Junior helpers who worked cheerfully throughout despite the fact that it remained decidedly chilly. As impressive as their manner of helping was their skill. It is not that easy to feed a ball just so for a very young child to have a chance of hitting it.

Our thanks to all the people who helped make the event a success!