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18 - 21 youth or student in full time education

Monthly membership

18 - 21 youth or student in full time education

Eligibility: 18 - 21 youth or student in full time education

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22 - 24 youth

Monthly membership

22 - 24 youth

Eligibility: 22 - 24 youth

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Squash Adult Membership

Monthly membership

Squash only membership at Banbury West End

Eligibility: All adults, new members, renewing members

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Squash Junior Membership

Monthly membership

U18 Squash Membership.
12 Months minimum

Eligibility: Under18 years of age.

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Tennis Adult Membership

Monthly membership

Annual membership. 12 month minimum, Yearly fees are payable by a Monthly Direct Debit

Eligibility: All adults, new members, renewing members

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Tennis Coaching and Cardio only membership

Monthly membership

Coaching and Cardio membership only

Eligibility: Adult

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Tennis U12 Membership (No Parental Membership)

Monthly membership

U12 Junior membership, No Parent Membership 12 month minimum Yearly fees are payable by a Monthly Direct Debit

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Tennis U12 Membership (Parent has Membership)

Monthly membership

U12 Junior Tennis membership, Parent has full membership at BWE. 12 month minimum Yearly fees are payable by a Monthly Direct Debit

Eligibility: U12 years old Parent has full membership at BWE

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Tennis U18 Membership (No Parent Membership)

Monthly membership

U18 Tennis membership, No Parent Membership. 12 month minimum Yearly fees are payable by a Monthly Direct Debit

Eligibility: Under 18 years old

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Tennis U18 Membership (Parent has Adult membership

Monthly membership

U18 Junior membership, No Parent Membership. 12 month minimum Yearly fees are payable by a Monthly Direct Debit

Eligibility: Under 18 years old

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