
Alan Schofield a loyal & dedicated Club member

Alan Schofield

We are sad to inform members that Alan Schofield passed away recently following a short illness. Alan was a popular and respected member who until recently played tennis with his veteran friends on Sunday and Wednesday morning.

Those that knew Alan will know that he always had a cheery disposition and a joke to tell and his ability to cut through issues with common sense was greatly valued. He was also an outstanding volunteer having been involved in Committee work over many years both as Treasurer and Membership Secretary.

His commitment didn’t end there as he was also our go to person for jobs involving a screwdriver, spanner and hammer. Indeed his willingness to give freely of his time has saved our Club a fortune.  We have much to thank Alan for and he will of course be greatly missed.

Our thoughts and condolences are with Alan's family who have informed us that the funeral is at Barnsley Crematorium on Wednesday 10th July at 11.30am. The family do not want flowers but have asked that any donations be made to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Thank you Alan for all your commitment and contributions to BLTC.

BLTC Committee July 2019