The 'Split Step' with Rich Seabrook

‘The Split Step’ with Rich Seabrook


Split stepping is a vital technique in tennis, where a player quickly hops and lands on the balls of their feet as their opponent hits the ball. This helps the player read and respond to their opponent's shot, maintain balance and body position, conserve energy, and improve their timing and rhythm.


Some key points for the perfect split step:


1. Watch your opponent: Keep your eyes on your opponent and their movements. Anticipate when they will hit the ball.


2. Hop and split your feet: Just before your opponent makes contact with the ball, hop and land on the balls of your feet with your feet spread slightly apart. Your heels should be off the ground.


3. Stay balanced and alert: As you land, keep your knees bent and your weight forward. Keep your body relaxed and be ready to move in any direction.


4. React to the ball: Once your opponent hits the ball, quickly move in the direction of the ball and prepare to make your shot.


5. Repeat: Repeat this process for every shot in the game, and incorporate the split step into your pre-shot routine to maintain consistency and rhyth