KAL Junior Tennis

KAL are proud to be working with the Lawn Tennis Association to deliver a programme that will get your children excited about tennis whilst learning new skills.

Junior tennis lessons are for 1 hour and must be pre booked as part of the KAL Tennis junior membership.

Our LTA acredited coaches deliver the LTA Youth programme of quality tennis sessions to children age 4 years and above. Session descriptions can be found below and our timetable of classes can be viewed here.

For further information please contact Head Coach Cezar by filling out the Contact Form or speak to one of our customer advisors by calling the KAL Contact Centre on 01484 766131 . 

In this Stage children will improve their balance, agility and co-ordination while teaching them about the sport we love. At this stage it’s not about winning or losing, it’s just getting to grips with the basics.

Children start to practise overarm serves, volleys and learn how to rally, whilst developing their co-ordination, balance, speed and agility. Still with soft balls and small courts they'll be introduced to relaxed competition too.

Time to throw in some tactics, problem-solving, and guides to sportsmanship and leadership. At this stage children will know all of the rules and will be serving and returning.

It’s time for players to play on full size courts. Now it’s all about growing their game by fine tuning and refining the techniques they’ve learned so far so they are now in a position to act more independently on court.

It’s all about playing on a full size court with the same size balls the pros use. Players will continue to explore different styles on court and start to choose their own. By this point we hope children will be tennis players and fans of the game for life!

Squad Sessions - Invitation only for age Under 12 and Under 16 -  more details contact Tennis Coordinator using the Contact Form


Each Stage is made up of different ability Levels to allow players to progress and learn with those of a similar ability. Our Levels apply to all Stages and are as follows:

Level 1 -  For players who have never played before or who may have played with friends but do not know much about tennis.  At this level players will learn how to hold a tennis racquet, the name of each line on tennis court, how to identify mistakes in tennis play, how to hit groundstrokes and how to start a tennis game (match).

Level 2 - For players who have completed Level 1 or previously taken part in tennis lessons. Players will learn ready position, how to swing the tennis racquet  and hit the ball after a bounce, how to serve (under arm and over arm), what grip to use for each shot, difference in singles and doubles game and how to score points in tennis (scoring systems).

Level 3 -  For players who have completed Level 1 and 2 in our program. Players will learn how to start a tennis match, how to recover after each shot, how to volley the ball at the net, how to serve and receive in singles and doubles matches, how to control space on the tennis court and how to hit top spin and flat tennis ball.

Level 4 -  Squad and invitational session for players who finished all above levels and express interest in participating in tournaments and local tennis leagues.