Booking a Court
Mon, 07 Jun 2021 00:00
Court Bookings at Boughey Gardens Tennis Club
Court bookings are administered by Boughey Gardens Tennis Club on behalf of the Boughey Trust.
Payment of either Club membership fees or court booking fees are essential to maintain this facility,
so please do not enter the courts unless you have either pre-paid a Boughey Gardens Club
membership fee or a court fee, or are playing as part of a Club event or coaching session run by All
Court Tennis. Access to the courts, as a privately-funded facility, is conditional upon all who play
contributing to their upkeep.
Court Bookings for Paid-Up Members of Boughey Gardens Tennis Club
Members can use our online booking system free of charge and can book courts up to 2 weeks in
advance. As a Member of Boughey Gardens, your court bookings are included in your annual
membership fee (certain restrictions apply according to membership package), so there will be no
additional charge for court bookings made outside of club sessions.
Go to to check court availability and make a
booking via the ClubSpark system on the Bookings page link. You will need to register in order to use
this service but it is quick and simple and you only have to register once. Just make a note of your
password and user name for future use. Please keep a record of your booking (either on your phone
or by printing out the emailed booking confirmation you receive) in case you are asked for it.
Court Bookings for Non-Members of Boughey Gardens Tennis Club
Non-members can also make bookings using the online booking system, up to one week in advance.
Go to to check court availability and make a
booking. You will need to register in order to use this service but it is quick and simple and you only
have to register once. Just make a note of your password and user name for future use. There is an
online payment system, so please make your payment of £6 per court per hour. Please keep a
record of your booking (either on your phone or by printing out the email confirmation you receive)
in case you are asked for it.
Where a non-member is playing with a Club member or members outside of Club sessions, the
hourly court fee is £6.
A court seems to be free but you haven't pre-booked?
You can check out availability on your phone ( The
court payment fee of £6 per hour for non members must still be paid in advance, as set out above.
Interested in Club membership and inclusive court access, all-year-round?
Check out our website or the details posted by
the clubhouse door, including Membership Secretary Contact information. Non members are able to
try a Club-organised session, when accompanied by a member.