Coronavirus Restrictions - 9th Jan 2021
Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00
Happy New Year
We do hope that you are remaining healthy during this challenging and unprecedented time. As Chairman of the club, together with the committee, we felt it was important to keep you informed and updated as to what we are doing to address the situation with membership fees and tennis in general. We also wanted to thank those members who are key workers, particularly those in the NHS for their valued efforts.
Most of you will now be aware that Boughey Gardens Tennis Courts have closed following Government announcements. Club Championships and tournaments are on hold and all league matches have been postponed indefinitely. At this stage we cannot predict when tennis will resume and we are very much in the hands of the Government bodies to await a re-opening date.
We appreciate this is a difficult time for those who use the courts on a regular basis. Will, Dan and Steph at All Court Tennis have already sent an email explaining the coaching position. When the situation improves, the unlock may be gradual, e.g. singles only, coaching only, no large groups, tier restrictions etc. Please wait for specific guidance when the opening up headlines appear.
Many of you will have recently, or will be about to receive membership renewal emails. We use an LTA recommended system as part of Clubspark. This system allows us to hold records and administer the club, as well as receive payments under their auspices and is common at many clubs in the UK. The membership system is automated so renewal letters will go out as programmed, we do not control all aspects of this system. This means that you may well receive your reminders at a time when paying for your membership could be difficult, especially given that it’s unlikely you will play for some time.
For those of you who don’t know, the Club is run by volunteers and the courts and clubhouse are rented from the Boughey Trust. The Club is responsible for maintenance and illumination as well as the facilities and therefore pays a reduced and fair rent to the Trust each year. We still however have ongoing expenses to meet despite no play taking place.
We feel it’s unfair to ask for full membership fees at this time. We are working with Clubspark to put a system in place which will suspend memberships and/or extended renewal dates. It is not an easy process so please bear with us and let us know if you get any strange messages. We would ask that you have some patience and refrain from cancelling your membership until we work with Clubspark to arrange a way forward that suits our club and its valued members.
In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you back to the courts very soon.
Yours sincerely
Regards Barry