Members Update!
Sun, 06 Dec 2020 00:00
The Committee is delighted with the uptake of tennis during this past year; our membership
increased before lockdown and has continued to grow to the point where we have passed our
goal of 250 members enjoying the lovely courts provided by the Boughey Trust.
We have worked hard to keep the membership cost as low as possible, always seeking to
encourage participation yet still cover our increasing costs for maintenance and provision of
equipment, this year mainly sanitisation! With increased membership comes court pressure,
so we have introduced new measures to ensure continued smooth running of the Club and
One of the other factors for joining, rather than paying to play, is that membership to the LTA
is free if you are a club member and therefore covered by Insurance whilst playing. Some of
you no doubt already know that with LTA membership comes the chance of Wimbledon
tickets…. but only if you opt in. Please see the LTA website for more
From the 1st January 2020 all existing coaching members and juniors will move to an off-
peak membership, the cost will remain the same until renewal and thereafter there will be a
small increase. In addition we have a new package, aimed at parents who want to play on an
occasional basis with their junior member child. Anyone who finds the off peak timings too
restrictive under the new membership regulations is invited to take advantage of all our
provisions by becoming a full member, Juniors can upgrade to Student member by
Any new members joining after the 1 st January will be subject to the changes as outlined
above on our website which will be updated late December. Group Coaching sessions will
not change but any coaching members (not full members) seeking individual lessons must be
in the off-peak period of before 5pm weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. There are details on
student, country, family and couple memberships online but do contact our Membership
Secretary for more help.
We hope these small changes will make a fairer system for all and reflect the cost of each
membership in a more equitable manner.