


Updated Coronavirus Policy - Further restrictions lifted

Updated Coronavirus Policy - Further restrictions lifted

From Monday 8 June 2020 more playing restrictions are lifted and all our tennis courts are now open.

All 4 hard courts and 3 grass courts are open and members can play singles or doubles with different households. Members may also play doubles with the family household group.
Members are asked to book a court time by using ClubSpark before attending.
The following conditions should be followed :
• You should wash your hands as soon as practicably possible before you arrive at the club and as soon as possible on leaving. A hand sanitiser is located in the junior pavilion .
• You should use a tissue if you have to cough or sneeze and throw it away in a waste bin.

 • Those aged 70 and over, other adults who would normally be advised to have the flu vaccine (such as those with chronic diseases), and pregnant women should take particular care to minimise their social contact. If this applies to you then please consider whether it is safe or necessary to come to the club.
• If you start to display any symptoms please leave immediately and inform those that you have been in contact with.
• You should minimise social contact and touching tennis balls with naked hands as much as possible. Wear gloves if possible and avoid touching the net tension handles and other players’ rackets and kit bags.
• The locks on both gates will be left open.
• The upper floor in the senior tennis pavilion will be closed until further notice.
• Coaching group sessions for up to 6 people permitted.
• The Club is closed to visitors.