
What's On

Coming up in March and April 2024:

Thursday 14th March

Racketball taster session - drop in from 7pm on squash courts. Come along and give it a try and join us in the bar afterwards. Easier than squash for beginners, easier on the body than squash, easier than squash if using a tennis swing.

Saturday 16th March 

Comedy Night - tickets still available so get in touch with Craig Campbell 

Saturday 13th April

Opening Day  & Music Night with Club Band "Les Bouches"  -

Opening Day will start around midday with coach led tennis for parents and kids followed by an American Tournament and the usual activities in the bar. In the evening the club band will take over for a night of fabulous music! Full details will be emailed to members and contacts nearer the time.

As always: Sport watching on big screen in the bar such as the Six Nations etc. where possible