Club Squash Captain Doug Whitfield has provided an encouraging summary of how the teams have performed in the first half of the season:
For all of our squash and racketball teams it has been a very strong half-season performance in the Derbyshire Leagues; in fact, it is the strongest I can recall. The recent introduction of a handful of ex-Repton players in key areas of our ranking has been a significant factor.Current standings are as follows:
rivals, Duffield, in the half-season decider. The match was played away at Duffield on December 7th and we had particularly strong performances from Paul Stroud, Owen Whitfield & Mitch Cook, winning their matches 3-1, 3-0 & 3-1 respectively.
Men’s Premier squash - Burton 1 Top (Owen Whitfield, Paul Stroud & Mitch Cook top 3 of individual rankings).
Men’s Division 1 Squash - Burton 2 2nd
Men’s Division 2 Squash - Burton 3 Top
Men’s Division 3 Squash - Burton 4 3rd
Men’s Division 4 Squash - Burton 5 Top
Ladies’ Squash - 2nd
In Racketball, our 2nd & 1st team are positioned 2nd & 3rd respectively (Lewis Baker & Phil Brailsford 1st & 2nd in the individual rankings).
Probably the overall highlight of the first half of the season is our Men’s first team squash standing 11 points clear at the top of the Premier at Christmas. This was particularly sweet having beaten our arch
We also have a team playing in division 4 of the Leicester league, who have performed well in the first half of the season, and are currently half way up the table in 5th position. Additional interest in this particular league has been has been generated as a new system, introduced by the Leicestershire league, means players must play in order of England squash levels rankings.
Hopefully all teams will see continued success for the rest of the season.