
Charity TouchTennis Event - Thurs 22 December

I am delighted to have just transferred £350 to Cancer Research thanks to the support and generosity of our juniors and parents at today's Christmas Charity Fun Day - a fantastic amount to raise in such a short time. Thank you as always to Liz, Linda and Emma for sorting all of the food and catering for everyone so splendidly, and for running a spontaneous raffle on the day and collecting donations - your work is always appreciated! Also to Bob, our president, there as ever supporting and making Camberley LTC such a welcoming place.

I am sure many of us have a reason for supporting this charity but it is especially poignant this year after the recent loss of one of our members, Dawn Reece, to breast cancer. It was heartwarming to see her two young children there today trying to get on with some sort of normality in their lives.

David Gill

(The Club has also made a separate donation to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in memory of Dawn)

More photos from the day