Data Protection

Carlton Lawn Tennis Club

Data Privacy Policy for Members and Club Users

1. What is this document about?
This document has been created for the purposes of General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) and the UK data protection laws, the controller of this document is Carlton Lawn
Tennis Club (CLTC). This document makes it clear how CLTC will collect, use and share its
members’ data and will be updated with any chances accordingly.

2. How is the information collected?
The three main ways CLTC will collect your data will be:
1. Primary Source, directly from a member: from a membership form, an email sent to, via the website or facebook page, through personal interaction when
at the tennis club itself.
2. Secondary source, on behalf of you via another family member or close friend or if the person in
question is under 16 the information will always be collected secondarily.
3. Via the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) whom will enquire or get in touch with the tennis club due
to queries or complaints.

3. What type of information is collected?
The two main types of information collected are contact information and information beneficial to
the use of the clubhouse/venue.
• Contact information such as: home address, contact number, email or a record of contact
between yourself and the tennis club.
• Beneficial information that may be required when hiring the clubhouse in order to make it safe
or convenient for you to use it e.g. time you will require to use the clubhouse if hosting a
function, date and number of guests, time you will be leaving the venue etc.

4. How will the information be used?
Information collected by CLTC will be used for a purpose, it will not be collected and stored for no
reason other than to make membership at the tennis club easy and helpful. Generally, purposes for
collected personal data are below:
• Membership forms, for payment of club membership, for club events and general club
information such as court availability and clubhouse availability.
• League and club competitions and other events that may be of interest to you.
• Promotion for both the club and for functions or third parties using the clubhouse facilities.
• Wimbledon Ballot Administration.
• To hand over to the LTA in order for them to process your administration and send you the
appropriate documents.

5. How will my information be shared?
Member information will not be shared to other parties or organisations.
There will be strict club – member confidentiality. Only committee members will have access to
personal data and will use this data for the purposes of CLTC administration only and for benefits to
club members at CLTC only.

6. How long will my information be kept for?
Your data will be kept for as long as necessary, depending on the purpose of collecting the
information. For most of the data it will be kept as long as there is valid reason it do so i.e. for a

period of six years after the last interaction with the club (this is for accounting, tax and record-
keeping purposes).

7. What will happen in the event of a data breach?
In the event of a data breach, the individuals affected will be notified upon discovery of the breach.
The breach shall be investigated and an attempt to shut down the attack and reduce the impact will
be made as soon as possible. These policies shall then be reviewed at the next committee meeting
to combat the breach and reduce the chances of a repeat event.

8. Membership rights
As members of Carlton Lawn Tennis Club, every member has a right to the following:
• Access to the information held by CLTC and to check it is being lawfully processed.
• Request correction of held information if it is incomplete or inaccurate.
• Erasure of personal data when there is no valid reason for holding of information.
• If there is something about a particular situation whereby CLTC are processing personal
information, members have a right to object the processing.
• Withdrawal of consent of processing information, even after initial consent is given, the
information can be completely withdrawn, regardless of the situation.
Please note these rights are not absolute and CLTC is entitled to refuse requests when requests are
made without valid reason.
However, withdrawal of personal information may hinder CLTC’s ability to contact you with
important information about changes to policy, events or competitions that may interest you as well
as other general information.

9. Contacts and Concerns
If any of the following information is unclear to you or has raised concerns about data handling and
sharing then please do not hesitate to contact the tennis club, the details can be found below:
Carlton Lawn Tennis Club
Dunkirk Road

If you wish to find further information about membership rights concerning data protection visit the

website below:

Here you can also contact the information commissioner with any concerns or complaints you are

not comfortable submitting to the tennis club


Thank you, from Carlton Lawn Tennis Club