

Club Sessions At CLTC

Hi all and welcome back to tennis.

With the lifting of the social distancing restrictions we are now able to restart club sessions. We are really pleased that this is now something we can offer and are looking forward to welcoming all of you back on court. We know some of you have been playing during the restrictions which has been great to see and we also extend a welcome to our many new members who have joined us over the last few weeks.

For our club sessions we are able to offer Wedneday and Friday mornings along with the Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon sessions. We have blocked the courts off for these in club spark. These sessions are subject to the contiuning guidelines of no more than 30 participants and it is mandatory for us to have a register for people who decide to attend club sessions.  We will have a book availble for people to sign in.

Court 2 will be brought back into play on Monday 15th June and will be added to the booking page.

In order to play at other times please continue to use the club spark webpage / app for the booking of courts. CLTC have found it to have huge benefit to us and we are working to add more content and will be able to offer online payment in time for next season.

Lastly for those of you who have not yet registered for club spark, please take the time to. It is easily accesible at and from there you can sign up and take up a 2020 membership for free.

It will be great to see you all back on court soon.

CLTC Committee