

Woody Open Walking Tennis

Woody Open at Castletown Lawn Tennis Club

The inaugural Woody Open Walking Tennis Championship was held at Castletown LTC on 13th April and drew a number of players keen to play matches with a difference. The weather, as ever, was mixed but the gusty wind and rain showers didn’t dampen the enthusiasm or affect the speed of play as only original wooden rackets were allowed and running was banned. The benefit of two bounces seemed to confuse rather than aid play but the older section of the club took full advantage of the conditions whilst the younger members turning up to the afternoon club session looked on in bewilderment!

When the laughter died down it was found that one point separated the top three pairs whilst Margaret Bradbury and Barbie Carter were the proud recipients of wooden spatulas at the bottom of the table. Kirree and Ron Ronan collected the runner-up prizes after a sudden death play-off against Amanda Munro and Will Watterson while Jenny Foy and Neil Ronan happily received their wooden chopping boards in first place.

Huge thanks go to Neil for organising the event, sourcing the wooden prizes and re-stringing and over-gripping all the rackets. Thanks to Will Watterson for providing white tennis balls for the tournament.

The next Castletown LTC tournament is the Australian Open Grand Slam doubles supported by M & A Management on 2nd May from 6.30pm. Everyone is welcome – Entry £2

For more details of the tournament or for club membership please contact Neil Ronan at or