Autumn Update
Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:00
Hello, and welcome to the Autumn Chagford Tennis Newsletter!
Winter League
Chagford have begun playing in the Winter League for the first time in a few years, and have been equipping themselves well in their opening matches. The men’s and women’s teams are both mid-table and have gained important Big Match Experience, as well as an insight into the Dark Arts of League Tennis (the Chop-Slice and Smash Formula(tm) is particularly galling to play against). The men have had one invaluable training session with Grant at Exeter University on the beautiful indoor courts, and have another booked next week. We have been lucky to be able to rotate the squad and give as many players a game as possible, and have been very pleased with the performances. Special mentions must go to Justin Thomson for his unique brand of cultured, silky tennis which ensured easy victory against Exwick B, which was complemented by a stunning draw from Gus and Sonic Jasper. In the following match against Exwick C, Chairman Mao-tin and Miles (isn’t he from Moreton? – Ed) came back twice from 5-1 and 4-1 down to win their sets.
The ladies (Liz, Rachel, Jackie, Kathy, Olivia, Imogen, Veronica and Clare) have enjoyed a number of wins, with hopefully a few more to come - watch this space...
Well played everyone so far and good luck for the rest of the season.
Some middle-aged blokes trying to look like they know what they are doing
Olivia, Rachel, Liz and Clare playing for the pride of Chagford
As you can see, we have a revamped logo! New, but at the same time, ancient. Many of you know the myths associated with the Three Hares. This circular motif has appeared in sacred sites from East Asia, the Middle East to churches across Dartmoor. It is thought to have a range of mystical associations, from its earliest appearances on the Chinese Silk Road, when it was associated with Buddhist peace and tranquility, to pagan associations with fertility and the lunar cycle, to later Christian representations of the Trinity, and the tin miners of Dartmoor. This particular symbol represents all of the above and more besides: the tranquil and fertile practice of playing rotating American Doubles. It will soon adorn our natty new shirts which Ian is sourcing.
Talking of which, if anyone is involved with any company who may like to sponsor Chagford Tennis Club and have their logo emblazoned on our club shirts, please contact Ian.
Nominate Grant for Development Coach of the Year!
Hopefully by now all of you know Grant and have either enjoyed being coached by him, or watching him coach your young ones. I'm sure you'd all agree that he is a real asset to the club and really helps make our tennis better and more enjoyable.
If you can spare a few minutes, then, it would be great if as many of you as possible would consider nominating him for an LTA award as Development Coach of the Year. There are various levels (county, regional and national), and it would be truly awesome to get him recognised for all the work he has done.
Please find the link here to nominate him. His email address is, which you will need to complete the nomination.
Club sessions
Tuesday Evenings will no longer take place. Club session remains Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Grant’s session is still on Friday at noon for the Golden Rackets (his alchemy transformed base metal to rust to silver and now to gold).
Ball machine
Please can we ensure the ball machine(s) is/are always put back in the cupboard after use.
Court upkeep
Chairman Mao-tin has kindly arranged for rubber matting to be placed on the steps from the clubhouse. Hopefully this will prevent any slippages over the damp months. Please be careful out there, and wear grippy shoes on the courts. There will be a work party soon at which club members can come and help power wash the courts. Watch out for details of this unmissable event!
Matthew Cup
The Matthew Cup will return twice next year, due to this year’s unfortunate cancellation, once in spring and once in summer.
That’s all for now. We hope to see you at some of our league matches soon. There’s cake and tea (and beer) and a carnival atmosphere. Come and join the fun!