
CCLTA LUSU Inclusive Training Course

Class of ’23 CCLTA LUSU Inclusive Training Course - Tuesday 24th Oct 2023 at Birchwood Indoor Tennis Centre

2022 was the first County funded LUSU Inclusive training course which was created by us together with LUSU. It was such a success that it was copied by other counties and is now an LTA recognised course.

We want the momentum to continue with on going annual training for our coaches which will be funded by us with the help of our Partners.

This year we had even higher numbers of coaches wishing to participate, which was great to see. Of particular note was the wide spread of age and experience applying to be on the programme – a real testament to the relevance and worth of last year's training. Inclusion in our clubs is a hot topic and one that our coaches are taking very seriously.

The day started with a classroom session quickly followed by one of Sue’s famous warm up routines! This was followed by more classroom, demonstrations and discussion sessions including sensory, visual impairment, wheelchair and walking tennis. The emphasis is always on ways to adapt tennis skills to match the client, group or situation that is presented.

The feedback once again is very positive – everyone feeling they gained from the experience.

All coaches will benefit from coaching credits, access to the LUSU TV channel for ongoing assistance and a full pack of the day’s training and discussion pointers.

Over the coming months., we look forward to hearing about the inclusive courses that the day helps to inspire

If anyone wishes to get in touch and discuss any plans they think the County may help with, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or Clive Young at

Jayne Huxley-Grantham

D & I Committee