
Appeal for Used Balls for Operation Christmas Child

If you have any used tennis balls surplus to your requirements, or know someone that does, in any condition can you please donate them to a good cause.  Throughout the year, players, coaches and clubs have been collecting and donating their used balls which are bagged up, and in mid November, given for the shoe box appeal.

Samaritans Purse, “Operation Christmas Child”

This is where a shoe box is filled with items for children in other countries that would rarely see a toy, and one tennis ball is always excitedly received and well used for many months, as a real prized toy to play with, for the whole family

There are never enough!  

I am hoping to pass on approximately 2000 tennis balls again this year, any extras you can collect and give would be greatly appreciated

So if you can spread the word? Anyone that has some used tennis balls they can donate, as soon as suits,  by 1st December please.

Please contact  Mobile 07958 251559