Following the Government lockdown announced on 23 March 2020, our Committee made the difficult decision to close the Club for the first time in our 70-year history. This was consistent with the guidance for tennis clubs subsequently issued by the LTA, and was the only responsible action to take at the time.
The Club remained closed until the Government guidance was updated on 10 May 2020. Following that, the Committee promptly convened to consider if, when and how, the Club could safely re-open. We looked closely at the updated LTA guidance, undertook a risk assessment and agreed a plan for re-opening the Club that involved making a number of changes to how we operate including limiting access to the Clubhouse, pre-booking of courts and largely restricting play to singles.
With these new restrictions in place and communicated to members the Club cautiously re-opened on 15 May 2020. It is only early days, and we will keep the situation under review, but it has been pleasing to see members (and Club Coach, James Biggane) back on court again!
We appreciate that this is a difficult times for all and wish to thank our loyal members for all their support.