
2022 Club Championships

The delayed matches from last year were played on Saturday afternoon, 23rd March 23, in front of a small but hardy group of supporters.

Ladies Singles was won by Emma Alexander in a hard fought match against Hannah Carter, Men’s Singles was won by Mark Swinscoe who defeated Emmanuel Sabatier. The Men’s Doubles was delayed, however Mark Swinscoe & Alex Lee defeated Kim Stuckey & Julian Mitchell. Ladies Doubles was won by Emma and Hannah playing together against Helen Stuckey and Karen Wigley The Mixed was won by Karen Wigley and Julian Mitchell, defeating Ines Noblin and Peter Evans in an exciting 3 set match bringing an end to the proceedings. Cake was eaten and hot drinks were made for both players and spectators, and trophies presented. Congratulations to everyone who took part and to Karen and Peter for organising.