April newsletter
Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00
It's the start of the new season, so we're delighted to welcome some new members: Lauren Allen, Rupert Drew, Simon Drew, Julie Forsyth, Lisa Haynes, Andy Hobart, Peter Nathan, Gavin Shek and Hugo Tuckett. Please make them feel at home!
And at the start of the new season a big THANK YOU to the many members who have renewed their subscriptions - and a sad good bye to those who are leaving us for one reason or another.
If you are one of the minority who have not renewed then please do so as soon as possible - we have a waiting list for more new members and we'll be opening up spare places to them. Act NOW to retain your membership!
On 1st March, a coaching players tournament was held at Chiswick Tennis Club organised by Jo Martin. The winner of the competition was Sean Saga, closely followed by Armann Singh and right behind was Leonie Orhan.
Well done to all of those who took part. The date of the next tournament is TCB so look out for updates for this fun and popular event.
The Chiswick Tennis Clubs Men’s team played away matches at Thistleworth Tennis Club on 11th February and at Kenton (1st team) on 16th March. It was a hard fought battle for both matches but unfortunately the other teams powered through to victory. Thistleworth won 8-0 whilst it was a tight match with Kenton who won 5-3 in the end. For this season the CTC Men’s team finished 3rd out of 6 teams in the league meaning they will stay in division 4 for next winter.
A new class ‘Fit & Flex’ will be held on a Tuesday evening 7.00pm – 8.00pm in the clubhouse. The class will focus on dynamic stretching by increasing flexibility and toning muscles as well as promoting relaxation and reducing stress by releasing tension in the muscles. For more information, please email Alla Brovarets brovarets.alla@gmail.com to get info on her upcoming stretch classes
Adult Intermediate Drop in Sessions Wednesdays 9.30am and Fridays 10.00am
These sessions are for players who are comfortable at rallying from the back of the court with good technical fundamentals. Players in this class can direct the ball cross court or with depth at medium pace and may also be able to generate pace and or spin.
Sessions includes 1 – 2 hours (depending on numbers) of drills, technique, double’s tactics and a whole lot of excitement and interaction.
*£21 per person per session
Please see the below that applies to the amount of players signed up:
1 Player - Player can request a private lesson instead
2 Players - 60 min
3 - 4 Players - 90 min
4 Players or more - 2 hours
See the link below for bookings and more information:
Wednesdays: https://lovetennis-chiswick.classforkids.io/camp/90
Fridays: https://lovetennis-chiswick.classforkids.io/camp/91
Get Ready for Spring Drop in Sessions – Monday 8pm – 9pm
Our Get Ready for Spring classes are ideal for players who have experience in tennis and are able to maintain a rally when the incoming ball has slow/ medium pace without spin and placed close to the player.
Players in this class have some experience at volleys and serving but are not yet confident with those shots in a point play situation.
While players in this class are able to maintain rallies, they are not yet able to maintain rallies when the incoming ball has speed, spin or requires more movement. Players are also not yet confident at directing the ball or hitting with spin.
Kindly see the below link for bookings and more information:
Please contact us on info@love-tennis.co.uk for more information.