Club championship finals
Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00

Congratulations to the competitors who've reached the finals of Chiswick TC Club Championships! The list of finals is below along with the scheduled start times. At present we are crossing our fingers that we don’t have “Wimbledon weather” on Saturday. Schedule subject to change Friday/ Saturday morning depending on the forecast…
Men’s singles - Jovy v Barnaby/ Ed - Barnaby possibly in 3 finals - Ed v Barnaby semi Friday eve. TBC- Sunday if Barnaby goes through? Or Saturday 12pm if Ed goes through?
Ladies’ singles - Katie v Maria - Katie in 3 finals; singles arranged Friday - Friday 5th, 3pm
Men’s doubles - Ed&Barnaby V Harm&Yasser - Saturday 6th at 2pm
Ladies’ doubles - Katie&Lisa v Kirsty&Lauren - Kirsty needs to start at 12 agreed - Saturday 6th at 12pm
Mixed doubles - Katie&Christian v Eva&Barnaby - Christian available after 4pm - Saturday 4pm