Club News

Match report: Chiswick v David Lloyd Acton Park 4

A new-look Chiswick men’s team played David Lloyd Acton Park II on Thursday in a fixture that had been rescheduled from the autumn. New member Riccardo partnered club champ Nat in the first pair, and even newer member Blend partnered stand-in skipper Ed for the second pair.

In the first round, Blend and Ed played some nice tennis against the solid but unspectacular George and Will, but gave too many points away with unforced errors and lost the rubber 2-6, 4-6. Nat and Riccardo started strongly against the more flamboyant but wilder Ben and Tim, won the first set 6-2 but lost the second 1-6.

In the second round, Riccardo and Nat played some excellent tennis, Riccardo putting the opponents under pressure from the baseline and Nat playing a good all-court game and moving well at the net, to win 6-3, 6-3. Ed and Blend had a very close match against Ben and Tim, narrowly losing the first set 3-6, then going 4-1 up in the second set only to lose 4-6, courtesy in part of too many volleys into the net by both Chiswick players.

In what was a good, close match, with a final score of David Lloyd Acton Park 10, Chiswick 6, the Chiswick players (and the second pair in particular) just need to cut out errors in execution (mistimed volleys) and tactics (easy shots to the net-player) and we have every chance of getting a good win and thus possibly avoiding relegation.

Match supper was pasta al forno but unfortunately the chef (that’s me) hadn’t allowed enough time (next time 2 sets rather than one!) so the flavours hadn’t properly combined and the texture wasn’t as  crispy as it should have been but at least the watermelon went down well.

The result leaves us second from bottom in the table, but we play bottom of the table David Lloyd Hampton II in our last match next Thursday so a big win gives us hope of avoiding relegation.

Our new players both played very well, and our first pair was excellent, winning 3 of their 4 sets played. My nomination for Man of the Match is Nat for his excellent all-round game- tactically sensible shots, accurately hit,  and dangerous at the net.

Well played, guys, let’s go for a big win in the next one!