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Sue Ryder Charity Tournament

RAY McDONNELL reported .....
Our 4th Annual Sue Ryder Fundraiser eventually went ahead on Sun 26th September postponed from the
19th on what was a fine day weather-wise. We had four teams of 4 competing for the trophy and medals.
The final scores were close with Eesa Najib (Capt), Julia Vekrikas, Dave Owen and George Green winning
42 games with 2nd 3rd and 4th 38/36/34.
Helen Kingston from the Sue Ryder Fund Raising Team did the presentation ( see photo below ) and gave
us an update of how things are generally improving at Sue Ryder especially now that the shops can

open. She regaled us of some of the quirky things that they do to make life more entertaining and com-
fortable for those they care for.

I have several pledges to add to the £1000 I have from the sale of items that John Ramsden-Knowles do-
nated to the fund when he re-located to Kent. In addition there is the money raised from our Foreign Cur-
rency collection.

Hopefully with the fund raising from the tournament and donations from members Chris Band,
Colin Pummell and Jane Fields we will raise circa £1600. Another excellent result and great work once again by Ray and his helpers

UPDATE : It has since been reported that over £2,160 has been raised.