
Club Singles Ladder

The Club Singles Ladder is run by Nick Wilkins - Nick provides the latest update below 

I am delighted to be able to send this update. 

I am sure most of you will have seen the email confirming CLTC has reopened in a limited way but that normal singles play is allowed provided social distancing rules are observed. 

Remember you have to book your court on line now through the club website or Clubspark app and the clubhouse is closed, so no toilets or floodlights.

You have to be a paid up member to book a court but membership this year is only £50.00.

OUR 2020 CLUB SINGLES LADDER is therefore open for business 

Let me take this opportunity to welcome John Newton, Lindsay Newton and Rob Hadley who have all expressed an interest in joining the ladder but are yet to play their entry match.

Remember from the start of 2020 anyone can challenge anyone all year round, but if the challenger is more than four places above or below the person being challenged then the person challenged can refuse.

Last but not least we now have prize sponsorship for the ladder. 

Radchester Garden Ornaments have kindly donated two £20 gift vouchers.

These will be awarded to the person who has played the most matches and the person who has won the most matches between January 1st and August 31st 2020.