Summer Holiday Camp week 1

About the Camps

Recommended for ages 5 to 13.

Taken by competent, friendly, fun coach Rich Davies. These days will consist of a warm up, tennis coaching and fun games until lunchtime. After lunch, children will be given the choice to play a number of sports including Quick Cricket, Football Rounders, Bucketball, Baseball/Rounders and Tri Golf. Suitable for all 5 – 13 year olds | year 1 upwards Inside facilities in case of that bad weather PACKED LUNCH REQUIRED SNACKS REQUIRED Registration from 8.30am, pick up until 5pm Suitable DVDs and videos to watch during breaks and lunchtimes. Maximum of 30 children per day Bring plenty of non fizzy drinks to keep you going throughout the day. Sun tan lotion and a cap for those hot days! A snack for morning break. Appropriate clothing (shorts, trainers, tracksuit etc)

Choose your sessions from the available times below.
Please check that there are enough spaces available before you continue.