
Wimbledon warm-up fund raiser

The club ran this fun event this Sunday, 23rd June 2024 and it was a huge success. 20 juniors and 19 adults came along between 11am and 4pm. James (the coach, in white) ran a fun tourney for the juniors with the top 2 getting medals for singles and doubles and everyone got a goody bag to take away as well.

These are some of the pictures from the event...

Euan, junior singles gold medal winner

Flynn, junior singles silver medal winner (and sorry about the picture. There's also no picture of Alfie who got 3rd place.)

Alfie and Zac, junior doubles gold winners

Finn and Hamish, junior doubles silver winners

Jacob and Alfie, junior doubles bronze winners

The adults were split into two teams, Hawkeye the Noo and the Coylton Centre Courters and they had some very close games between them.

Hawkeye the Noo

Coylton Centre Courters

A great day was had by all and the club raised £528 in funds to help with future developments. A million thanks to everyone who attended and gave generously to help with this event  - even those who couldn't make it on the day. Special thanks to the organisers as well – you know who they are!

Some of the comments were: “Everybody had a great time”, “It was lovely to see so many youngsters playing the game.”, “Thanks for organising a great event.” You can;t get better than that.

And finally, the close of play where the adults got together and finished of what little food was left after the juniors had gone home.

A great day of fun and a lovely amount of money that was raised - thanks to everyone involved.