Newsletter - Summer 2024

I hope everyone is enjoying their season and getting the most out of being a member of Cross Hills Tennis Club.  As the Wimbledon finals approach, I thought it would be a good time to communicate what's going on.


1. Matches

A huge thank you to all our fully committed captains as they lead us through this competitive season.  At times, this can be challenging, particularly when holidays and injuries make raising a team not always straightforward.  If you wish to be more involved in matches, do contact through the appropriate WhatsApp groups (see more on this below), or e mail via the secretary. Also, if you know of any potential new members who may be interested in joining us, do invite them along to a social tennis time.


2. Communication - WhatsApp groups

Thanks to Oliver who has set up the Cross Hills Community on Whatsapp which is now in full swing, but also still new and evolving.  The idea is that members can be in control of what sort of messaging they are involved with by choosing which groups to be part of.  The groups so far are as follows:

  • Announcements - this is for messages sent to all members which do not need a reply.
  • Teams (Saturday Men's and Women's, Wharfedale 1st and 2nd, Monday Friendly league)  - used to arrange matches and pick teams.
  • Social tennis - used for arranging any social tennis, checking club sessions etc.
  • Tennis Club Chit Chat - for any non tennis social communication.
  • Monday Wednesday Tennis - for those who wish to play in the men's group on Monday and Wednesday mornings.
  • Team Results and Updates - where match results are posted.
  • Tennis Club Committee - just for the current committee as they continue to keep the running of the club as smooth as possible
  • Junior Social tennis - messages for the parents of our junior members.

When the committee next meets in September, we will review this and make any improvements if needed.  They will also be looking at developing possibilities for communication through the evolving website.  


3. Upcoming events

Two dates for your diary: 

  • Thursday 15th August marks the 10th anniversary of the building of the new clubhouse.  It would seem appropriate to mark this in some way.  If any member wishes to take the initiative or be involved in organising something on the evening to expand the club night, please reply to this email.
  • Saturday 21st September - a fundraising event for Manorlands.  Adrian is carrying out a dawn til dusk tennis marathon (donation page link is below, more information will follow at a later date). Again it would be good to see this broadened into a bigger event (other social tennis, entertainment, food etc).  Do contact Adrian if you think you could offer ideas and support in running the event.


4. Clubhouse and Grounds

Thanks to all those members who keep doing something  to maintain the upkeep of the club and its grounds. It is great to hear visitors commenting on how the place is looking (in a positive light). 


5. Safeguarding

A reminder that Joel will be stepping down from the role of Safeguarding officer at the next agm and we must have someone in that role. If this is a role you feel you may be able to take on, please get in touch. 


Enjoy your tennis and keep stretching those aching muscles (or am I just talking to myself?).



