
How to start competing

If you are keen to start taking your tennis to the next level then what better way than to engage in the Thrive tennis coaching programs and then pit yourself against other players of similar age (Red, Orange, Green or Yellow ball) or playing ability in competitions. 

To be eligible to start competing, you must be a member of a tennis club. Here are links to the membership pages of the tennis clubs that Thrive tennis coaching currently work. Please note that the majority of clubs in the UK operate a system whereby a supervising parent/guardian will need to join the club if their child wishes to use the club for matchplay, meeting up with friends for social tennis or to have a hit with their parent/guardian. This membership option ensures players will be given a key and can therefore use the club and the facilities when they choose.

Pensford TC (Chew Valley):

Westbury Park TC (NW Bristol):

As well as becoming a club member you'll need to sign up to become a British tennis member. This however can be FREE and is free for juniors. 

To become a British tennis member please follow the below link to sign up and select the best option for you:

The LTA have put together a helpful guide designed to guide you through the process of beginning competitions. Please check out the below link for this resource:

Adults and juniors can also play in team events such as the AVON summer league and team tennis a junior team event run within AVON county.  Please be aware that the LTA ratings and rankings system is due to be replaced in the coming months and as such coaches, players and parents/guardians will need to adapt to the new and improved system which will become a global ratings system.

If you would like to dip your toe in the water then adults can sign up to their local tennis league whereby players fill out a questionnaire about their playing level and experience and are then put into a relevant league to arrange and play other players of a similar ability. This is great fun, more social and more flexible than tournaments held on one specific day. Follow the link below for more info:

If you have any further questions regarding competing or coaching please contact Head coach- Dan Church on: 07738 081 652 or email at

Lets get you loving tennis, reaping all the health benefits of tennis and competitions and hopefully winning lots of matches.