Winter Hours

All change this weekend! The clocks go back, we switch to Sunday morning club sessions (10 am) and...we're changing the way we play our part in fighting COVID-19. 

Next time you visit the club you'll see we now have our very own Dedham LTC NHS COVID-19 QR code placed outside the clubhouse, as well as at the entries to the courts. Many of you will have used these already in all kinds of places - they are the best way for us to help with the Government's 'track and trace' strategy. 

It's a very simple system to use; you just need to download the NHS COVID-19 app to your phone and then scan one of our codes when you visit the club. 

We'll be using this to replace our 🎾🎾🎾 WhatsApp system for club sessions and we also encourage you to scan whenever you play outside these times - for your own games and coaching sessions. We hope you'll agree this is a good step forward for us and will help us play our part in the local community as we fight coronavirus together. 

As mentioned previously our Tier 2 status has little direct impact on the way we've operated the club for the last few months. Please continue to follow normal social distancing rules and hand sanitising guidance and remember that the clubhouse remains out of use for the time being. 

And a final plug for our working group this Sunday morning. We'd love to see as many volunteers as possible to help with the weeding, leaf clearing, windbreak removal and other wholesome outdoor pursuits needed to prepare for winter. Gloves on at 9.30, with the club session to follow after. Thank you in advance!  

Dedham LTC