MUGA Project Update July 2022

Things are moving apace at the Sports Hub. The Building Warrant for the covered MUGA has been approved and a start date of 1st August 2022 for the build has been confirmed. This very exciting news has prompted the preparation of the new car parking area, which is between the Doctor's surgery and the Sports Hub. . A team of valiant volunteers rolled out the plastic matting and the following day another team positioned the matting and pegged it down with hundreds of metal pegs. The grass will now have a chance to grow through the matting before the new car park will come into use at the beginning of August. This surface has been chosen as it is low impact on the existing environment; visually the space will still be grassed, and it is also less costly than laying hardcore or tarmac. This is obviously a significant change to the car parking arrangment for the club but is absolutely necessary to provide space for the MUGA. Before the build starts new signage will be put in place to direct vehicles to park in the new car park. We realise that it may take some time to get used to the new arrangements and we will probably need to implement further improvements over the winter. We would therefore value your feedback on any changes which you think should be made.