Rain most certainly did not stop play at the club's Wallace Trophy Tournament on Sunday 1st December, as 12 intrepid players braved the inclement conditions to have fun, play some good tennis and raise money for charity.
With a dodgy weather forecast, the start time was delayed by an hour, and even though rain was still in the air as play was about to begin, it did not deter the die-hard tennis fanatics who took to the courts! The women out-numbered the men by nine to three!
There were six rounds with different pairings each time, playing the best of five games, with 'sudden death' at deuce - fortunately, no blood was shed and there was no hanging around! A good level was achieved in all matches - with many sudden death deuces - all played in extremely good spirits.
Once the rounds were completed, the players chatted about the morning's event as they enjoyed some lunch while the scores were being calculated. Club Captain and organiser, Mel Gurnee, announced the winners - Sarah Keegan took the runners-up spot with 19 points and Gill Luis-Ravelo took the trophy with 22 points; £60 was also raised for charity from the entry fees, which was donated to the Cancer Research UK's charity shop in Uckfield - the winner's chosen charity.
Check out the next club event dates at http://clubspark.lta.org.uk/EastHoathlyHallandTennisClub/EventsV2