Faversham Tennis Club has a variety of different memberships available ranging from junior memberships to full membership - please contact our membership@favershamtennis.co.uk to discuss options. Membership is half price after 1st October - renewal 1st April annually.
2024/5 (from 1st April) Membership Details
Full Members £130.00 (full access to courts, matches and tournaments) plus £15 joining fee for new members (icludes key)
Off-peak Members £85.00 plus £15 joining fee (Includes Key: access Sun-Fri 0800-1700, Sat after 1800, no entry to matches or tournaments)
Parent £50 (must only play with junior member, off-peak hours, non-voting, £40 full year)
Junior Members £30.00 (under 21yrs old on 1st April)
Membership Opportunities
- Access to Faversham Tennis Club courts and facilities in line with court availability timetables
- Option for additional paid coaching sessions with the clubs coaching team
- Access to discounted club clothing via this website
- Dedicated club playing sessions for off-peak and full members
- Club championship entry - adults and juniors
- Friendly tournaments for adults and juniors
- Opportunity to represent the club teams in Junior, Mixed and Mens matches and tournaments against other clubs
Anyone can join on-line (see below), adults applications are reviewed by the committee who have the right of refusal. To play in club sessions you should contact the head coach to verfiy your standard of play. Download our 'Welcome Pack' here
Note- members qualify for FREE 1st lesson with Infinity Tennis, see the coaching page.
Payment to: Faversham Tennis Club : Sort Code 30-91-60 : Acc. No. 02210155
Members will recieve an email for renewal, to join, please select from the options below.
Full Membership 2024/5
10/03/2024 - 31/03/2025
NEW MEMBERS ONLY - Full membership, play anytime, eligible to enter tournaments and teams, renewal £130, plus £15 joining fee for new members (includes key).
Junior Mem 2024-5
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Under 21 years
Eligibility: Age under 21 on 1/4/2024
Off Peak 2024/5
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Off Peak Member: Mon-Fri 0800-1700, Sat after 1700. No entry to matches or tournaments.
Parent Membership 2024/5
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Parent (non-player) able to supervise/knock with their child, courts bookable in off-peak hours, non-voting