March 2024 Newsletter

Our March 2024 Newsletter in PDF format



Many thanks to those who attended the AGM in February.
There were some changes to the committee with several long-standing members stepping down. New appointments are as follows:

Judy Garnham President
Tom Shaw Secretary
Carole Hargreaves Membership Secretary
Dimitris Vaxevanakis Match Secretary & Mens Team Captain


Kate Bryant remains as Ladies Captain, Julie Ennis as Mixed A captain and Angus Jeffery as Mixed B & C Captain.

Angus Jeffery, the chairman, thanked those who left the Committee including Sonja Russell, Alan Ennis and Nicky Drysdale. Mike Humphries also announced at the meeting that he would be stepping down as President. There was not the opportunity to thank Mike at the AGM for the considerable work he has done for the club over many, many years. In recognition of Mike and Ann’s contribution, the Committee propose to inaugurate a new mixed doubles tournament where members will compete to win the Humphries cup. More details follow below.

Marc ter Kuile gave an update date on the club finances. A motion to raise membership prices to ensure that the club has sufficient contingency funds for the future was passed.

Membership Renewals

Please remember to renew your membership for the 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 season by 21 April. After this deadline, any members who have not renewed and then rejoin will have to pay the full new member rate, ie more expensive! (For example, renewing an annual Senior membership will cost £135 before 21/4/24 compared to £153 if you renew after 22/4/24.... you have been warned).

To renew your membership please log on to your ClubSpark account. There are lots of FAQs on the Website if you get stuck, but if you still need help, please email Carole Hargreaves, Membership Secretary, details at end.

Quiz Night

Kate has already circulated details of the club’s Quiz night which will be held on Friday, 12th April.  Contact Kate if you would like to attend. Spaces still available.

American Tournament

The new season will kick off with an American tournament on Sunday 19 May. Put the date in your diary, more information to follow.

Social Tennis

Members who play at an intermediate standard and above are warmly welcomed at the Club’s mix- in Social tennis sessions on Tuesday (5-7pm) and Thursday (6-8pm) evenings and on Sunday morning (10 -12). Tennis balls are provided.

It is the Club's aim to promote Tennis at all levels for both recreation and competition.

Anewsession for match play/advanced players, by invitation, has recently started on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm. David Gray has kindly agreed to coordinate these sessions.

The Humphries Cup

On Sunday 30 June the Club will host a Mixed Doubles tournament. The winning pair will receive the Humphries cup, in honour of Mike and Ann Humphries, who were core to the founding and continued development of Forest Row LTC club.

The format will be based on the ATP/ WTA tour Finals with places limited to 8 pairs. There will be four pairs per group, with pairs assigned to the two groups at random, there will be no seeding and entrants will choose their own partners. There will be a ballot if the tournament is oversubscribed.

Each pair will play the other three in the group stages. Based on these results, the top two pairs from each group proceed to the semi final, where the first pair from each group will play the second pair from the other group. The winners of these matches then proceed to the final.

Club Singles Tennis Ladder

Congratulations to Alan Ennis who was top of the ladder at the end of 2023, with Tom Olesker runner up.

The 2024 Ladder is now underway. Please remember that any player can request a match with one of the three players above them. If the lower placed player wins, they move up to the place occupied by their opponent. Once a request for a match has been made, that match must be played within one calendar month. For more details, or to join the ladder, please contact Dimitris Vaxevanakis, the Ladder Administrator.

George Ross, our Head Coach, offers private and group tennis coaching.

See his website for more details.

Weald league

The final Matches in the Winter 23/24 season are now taking place. The Summer Weald League season starts in mid-April. If you would like to be involved in playing matches, please get in touch with Angus Jeffery or the relevant team Captain. We have one Ladies’, one Men’s and three mixed teams and for mixed tennis in particular there is an opportunity for all levels to get involved. Final selection of teams rests with the team captains. More details of the Fixtures on the Weald League website:

Tennis Club Maintenance Group

Alan Ennis is leading the Tennis Club Maintenance Group and is looking for volunteers to assist with the maintenance of the courts and clubhouse. Tasks may include leaf- blowing and sweeping, maintaining nets and fencing, and anything else which is needed to help keep our great facility in top condition. No specific experience is required, just a willingness to spare a few hours now and then on an ad hoc basis. You would be helping out the club and might get a cold beer afterwards. (Big jobs such as hedge cutting, pressure-washing and moss treatment will continue to be undertaken by professional contractors.) Email Alan:

The Club Website/Social Media

We hope to keep the club website more up-to-date. Please continue to send photos and information to Chandru Naidu if you think they will be relevant for the website. See email below. Follow this link to the Club website:

Our Club House

Frances Young has taken on the role of clubhouse cleaner. She will come in once a week for 1 hour. There will no longer be a rota for members to clean the Clubhouse.

There is a first aid box by the fridge, and in case of a medical emergency, there is a defibrillator. There is also a hopper of used balls for anyone to use. The ball machine can be rented at a cost of £2.00 an hour.

If you fancy a cuppa before or after your game, complimentary tea and coffee are available in the clubhouse, along with powdered milk and sugar in the cupboards above the sink. Or bring your own fresh milk. Wash and put away your mugs and utensils. And please, if the tea and hand towels look grubby, take them home, wash them and return them to the cupboard under the sink. When you’ve done your good deed, please initial or sign the list on the board, so we know when they have been changed.

Tennis in the News

Following on from Indian Wells, and currently in Miami, the major professional tennis tournaments will shortly move to European clay court events ahead of the French Open, which starts at the end of May. Television coverage is available from Sky sports or on a monthly subscription from Now. Extended highlights of some matches can also be found (free) on YouTube.

And for Eastbourne fans, enjoy the tournament while you can. There are plans to add a new WTA tournament at Queens club in London the week before the men’s tournament there. This will likely mean that Eastbourne will be downgraded and so no longer attract the top players.