
Chairman's Letter to Club Members - Mar 21

Dear Members

In light of the difficult year we've all experienced I hope my 'Chairman's Letter' finds everyone in good spirits.  

This past year has presented challenges for all sports clubs and ours has been no exception.  With courts closed for much of the year due to the Covid-19 government lockdown there has been a lack of playing opportunities and normal club social activities.  Nevertheless, throughout the year the committee has continued to meet regularly by Zoom, its main achievements being: the completion of major refurbishments to both courts which are now in first-class condition; completion of the Goodworth Clatford Tennis Club website (hosted on Clubspark); a successful adult and junior coaching package (when play permitted); and the development of its safeguarding and welfare responsibilities.  I continue to be most grateful to the committee members for their contributions and commitment to managing the club over this period.  Last Thursday the Club's AGM was held via Zoom and the minutes can be found under the 'Membership' tab on the club's website.  

Unfortunately, over the course of last year there was little opportunity for the club to participate in league tennis: the winter season having ended in stalemate due to a combination of the bad weather causing postponements followed by the March lockdown, and the summer league not having got off the ground due to Covid-19.  However, it is hoped that the summer league will resume once travel restrictions have been lifted.  Should anyone wish to participate in any of the club's teams please contact the captains directly (details can be found on the club's website under 'League Tennis'). 

The committee has recently discussed subscriptions and at the AGM agreed to reduce 2021/22 fees for existing members to compensate them for their reduced opportunity to play over the last 12 months, as well as for the shortened membership year which will run for 11 rather than 12 months (1 May 21 - 31 Mar 22).  It will also allow the club to pass on the Covid-19 related rebates it received, something it is very keen to do.  Renewal fees for the coming membership year will therefore be:  Adult Single £45, Family £101, Student Single £13, Junior Single £9 and Social Member £8.  All memberships can be applied for through the 'Membership' page on the Club's website and are due by 1 May.

Covid dependent, the club hopes to run a number of tennis tournaments and social events (such as the annual quiz night in November) during the course of the year, as well as reinvigorate the Thursday night club night (watch this space for more details).  All events and dates for 2021 can be found on the 'Social Tennis' page on the Club's website.

Wimbledon is going ahead this year starting on the 28 June with the final on 11 July, but the All England Club said it "will likely look very different this year". Capacity looks as though it will be limited but it is not yet clear how tickets will be allocated.  In the meantime, you may wish to get ahead of the game and renew your British Tennis Membership (BTM) with the LTA as the number of tickets which the Club receives each year for Wimbledon is dependant on the number of members registered with the BTM.

Finally, following the good news that we are allowed to play both doubles and singles tennis again from the 29 March, we look forward to seeing players back on the courts in the very near future.  Please note: courts must be booked in advance on the Goodworth Clatford Tennis Club website and all players' names provided to ensure the club is compliant with 'Government Track and Trace' requirements.

I hope you will all continue your club membership into 2021/22 and thus continue to enjoy the outstanding tennis facility we have here in Goodworth Clatford

Yours sincerely

Mike Marval


Goodworth Clatford Lawn Tennis Club