

Summer Tournament and BBQ 2019

As the summer tournament continues to grow in popularity we decided to increase the number of entries to 32 which meant us using all eight of the outdoor courts. The places were quickly filled but we were aware that we did not have any reserves and as the day of the tournament got nearer for one reason or another people gradually began to drop out, we would like to thank Sue and Fay who had their work cut out finding eight replacements and altering the draw eight times over a matter of just over a week. One thing we didn’t have to worry about this year was the weather as it was forecast to be warm and sunny.

Everyone was carefully paired up in advance to ensure the sixteen couples are evenly balanced; split into two groups the round robin stages were played over two hours before the BBQ was served up by our trusty BBQ man Ian. Whilst the food was eagerly consumed the games were added up to find out who was to take part in the semi- finals. The first of which was a family affair with Charlotte and Rob just beating Charlotte’s husband Daryl who was partnering Laura. Last year’s finalist Phil paired up with Alex took the other semi against Mark and Alice. Rob and Charlotte were the final winners of the Malcolm Rowland Trophy with an exciting 6-3 win over Phil and Alex.

The presentation was made by our Chairman Chas who was disappointed not to be playing due to a recent injury. Thanks go to Jane, Fay, Sue and Ian who were all involved with the smooth running of what was once again a very enjoyable and successful summer tournament.