Court Booking Instructions

Video Instructions on how to make a booking:

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New Feature - include names of all players when booking

To help monitor court usage and also for "track and trace" purposes, you can now identify all of the players who will be using your court. To do so:

After selecting your chosen court time, the following pop up will appear.  Your own name will appear as a Participant.


Click "Add Participant"  and a dialogue box will appear to enter an additional name.

Click Save. 

After clicking Save, a dropdown box will appear where you can choose whether the additional participant is a Member or a Guest.

If you are playing doubles you can add third and fourth names in the same way. As you add more names, the Save box can become obscured so you may need to scroll down within the box to see it. 

Once all the names of your players are added, click Continue Booking and then Confirm.