
Cardio Tennis

We are pleased to let you know that Kirk will start weekly Cardio Tennis Sessions from Wednesday 2 April at 6.30pm to 7.30pm on Courts 4 and 5


The timing of the weekly cardio tennis has been approved by the Committee, as it will make it more accessible to those who are out at work during the day and it will be a great warm up for those staying on for Wednesday night social tennis.   Social tennis will start as usual at 7pm on Wednesday on courts 1,2,3 and 6.  Courts 4 and 5 will then be available from 7.30pm onwards.. 

To make it fun, enjoyable and viable we need between 8 and 12 participants each week. The session is open to all members (excluding juniors) and non members so if you have any family and friends you think would be interested please let us know and bring them along too!

To kick things off the cost of the first two sessions will be discounted to £5 but the normal cost will be £8 per person.

If you want to join the first session please reply to the email from Catherine or sign up on the sheet on the coaching notice board.