AGM minutes 2023
Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00
14 NOVEMBER 2023
1. Welcome & apologies
Julie Poots, Phil De Ayala, Ness Hill, Lyndsay Mann, Peter Taylor, Rory Symons,
Gay Bradbury, Gordon Donkin, Liz Jarvis, Gerry Jarvis, Diane King, Michael King
2. Approval of Minutes
No comments or objections received. These were therefore approved.
3. Chair’s report
The Chair presented her report.
It was agreed that the new lights obtained by the football club could be tried out by the Club
one evening to help ascertain how/if these are suitable for the tennis club.
Chris Marshall has stepped down as Head Coach and Kate Peel has replaced him.
It was agreed to discuss with Kate Peel the possibility of introductory fees for new members
for her.
AGM agreed huge thanks for the match captains Heather and Diane for all their hard work in
the last year’s matches.
Tennis Club New Year’s dinner now on Friday 12 January hopefully at Fingest (tbc).
4. Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer presented her report.
The AGM approved the Accounts for the year to 30 September 2023.
5. Election of the Committee
The Committee resigned. They all put themselves forward for re-election which was
proposed and seconded. This was approved.
6. AOB
A Sport & Social Club fundraiser is being organised for 15 June 2024. All sports sections will
be asked to assist, and the Tennis Club will hold a tennis-type event on the day.
It was noted that a new tennis club representative is required for the SSC.
Pavilion income is not sufficient to keep the Pavilion maintained. It has been suggested by
the Sports & Social Club that each of the sports sections runs a fundraiser. The Committee
agreed to organise a Tennis Club fundraising event. It was noted the annual contribution to
the Pavilion maintenance has been increased from £600 to £660.
The AGM recorded its thanks to William Ingram for fixing the Rebo Wall covering.
The meeting closed at 2140.