Join us now

Heyes Grove Tennis Club is nothing without its members. We currently have around 200 enthusiastic tennis players in our who all play across a range of levels. Whether you are coming back to tennis, want to play socially or in team, we can offer you a range of tennis opportunities that will suit your needs.

 Registration for the 2025-26 season will open soon. We have on offer:

  • Introductory prices for new members
  • Early Bird Pricing for returning members. 

Come and try the newest courts in the area. We have one of most comprehensive junior packages in the local area and a wide range of club and social nights. 

To find out whether it’s for you, please contact the membership secretary Matt Richardson at He will talk through the options to find the right fit for you. If you wish to join the club from October onwards, we can offer a pro-rata rate for your membership type. Please drop Matt an email to discuss. 


1 x Senior + 1 x Child [Any Age]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

1 existing senior member plus 1 child. Ideal for parents with children who also play tennis. This makes signing up easier and cheaper in many cases.

Eligibility: This is for any parent who's been a member at Heyes Grove before.

Up to 2 members

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1 x Senior + 2 x Children [Any Age]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

1 existing senior member plus 2 children. Ideal for parents with children who also play tennis. This makes signing up easier and cheaper in many cases.

Eligibility: This is for any parent who's been a member at Heyes Grove before.

Up to 3 members

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1 x Senior + 3 x Children [Any Age]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

1 existing senior member plus 3 children. Ideal for parents with children who also play tennis. This makes signing up easier and cheaper in many cases.

Eligibility: This is for any parent who's been a member at Heyes Grove before.

Up to 4 members

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1x Infant [Year 3 and under]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Year 3 and under

Eligibility: This is for children in school Year 3 and under. This gives the child access to the coaching sessions and the mini junior events that are organised throughout the year.

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1x Junior [Year 4 to Year 6]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Junior Membership - Year 4 through to Year 6

Eligibility: This membership gives access to the coaching sessions, junior tournaments and you can play with a parent or other members.

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1x Junior [Year 7 to U21 in FTE]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Junior - Year 7 to U21 full time education.

Eligibility: This membership gives access to the coaching sessions, junior tournaments and access to courts with appropriate supervision.

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1x New Senior

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

New adult senior member plus one junior/infant included in price.

Eligibility: Must be the first time joining Heyes Grove in any capacity.

Up to 2 members

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1x New Senior [Off Peak, Over 55]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Play between 9 -4 Mon to Friday only.

Eligibility: Must be 55 and over and have never joined Heyes Grove before in any capacity.

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1x Parent Member

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

For parents who want to use to use the courts with their kids!

Eligibility: Must be the parent of a Heyes Grove junior member and play only when accompanied by the child.

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1x Rejoining Senior [Adult]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

For seniors who would like to play socially with other members, join in with team tennis, take part in club tournaments, receive coaching at preferential rates and attend club social nights.

Eligibility: This is available for existing seniors only.

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1x Senior [Half Year, Winter]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Half Year Winter Months membership. Available ONLY for the period 1st October 2024 to 31th March 2025.

Eligibility: Over 18 Years and not in full time education.

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1x Social Member

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Social Membership

Eligibility: This is for anyone who does not want to play tennis but enjoys the social aspect and use of club social events, bar facilities and access to the club.

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1x Student

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Student Membership - Under 21 in Full Time Education

Eligibility: This is for anyone under the age of 21 and in FT Education. This membership gives access to coaching sessions, junior and senior tournaments (18years and over FTE) and you can play with parents or other members.

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2x New Senior Members[Same Household]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

2 x Senior Introductory Memberships (same household).

Eligibility: Over 18 and not in FT Education. This is available for x 2 new Senior Members to the club who would like to play socially with other members, join in with team tennis, take part in club tournaments, social, receive coaching at preferential rates.

Choose payment option

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2x Rejoining Seniors [Same Household]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Two existing senior members from the same household wishing to rejoin for the 2024 / 2025 season.

Eligibility: Over 18 and not in FT Education. This is available for seniors who would like to play socially with other members, join in with team tennis, take part in club tournaments, attend socials, and receive coaching at preferential rates.

Choose payment option

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Rejoining Family [2 adults + 1 child]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

2 Senior Existing Members plus 1 child. Ideal for families who all play Tennis. Membership provides a saving to each junior in the family when both parents join and give the family all year round Tennis access and play.

Eligibility: This is for anyone who's had a family membership at Heyes Grove before.

Choose payment option

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Rejoining Family [2 adults + 3 kids]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

2 Senior members plus 3 children. Ideal for families who all play tennis. Membership provides a saving to each junior in the family when both parents join and give the family all year round tennis access and play.

Eligibility: This is for anyone who's have a family membership at Heyes Grove before. Early bird offer until 01/04/23.

Choose payment option

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Rejoining Family [2 adults +2 kids]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

2 Senior members plus 2 children. Ideal for families who all play tennis. Membership provides a saving to each junior in the family when both parents join and give the family all year round tennis access and play.

Eligibility: If you've ever had a family membership at Heyes Grove before, this is for you. Early bird offer currently applies. Price reverts to £360 on April 1st 2023.

Choose payment option

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Table Tennis: 1x Half Year [Winter]

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Half Year - 01/10/23 to 30/03/2024: Winter Months Only play 50% reduction on Membership for Senior Table Tennis players who play in winter only.

Eligibility: 18 and over in FT employment - New Senior Introduction.

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Table Tennis: 1x Standard Member

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Table Tennis Membership

Eligibility: This membership gives you access to the club and x 2 tables (booking may be required). Access to Table Tennis membership section and all round TT leagues practice and matches as well as social nights.

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Table Tennis: 1x Student Member

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Student Table Tennis Membership

Eligibility: In Full Time Education age 21 years or under and not in active FT employment.

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