
Hoole LTC Mickle Trafford Tennis Roadshow

Over the weekend of 1st and 2nd April the tennis club welcomed 418 children (mainly Reception and Year One) from 17 different local schools.

We were blessed with dry and sometimes sunny weather.

The on-court team led by Phil Leighton and Pete Leatherbarrow were supported by experienced club coach Callum Atkinson and a squad of enthusiastic young helpers.

To complement the highly professional well organised on-court action the club relied on a group of volunteers off-court to organise the parking, welcome the families and provide refreshments.

Big "thank you" to Ken, Annie, Steven, Liv, John and Penny, Sahar, Di, Ann-Marie and Richard and to Lori for all her help with the preparations.

We were also delighted to have the Parish Council in attendance (they sponsored a visit by the Easter Bunny) and Mickle Trafford Primary School PTA added to the activities with games, a cake sale and candy floss.

So much sugar but so much fun.

Many attendees were visiting the village for the first time and we believe they were impressed with the welcome they received and we all hope to see them again.