Horsforth Tennis Club Membership

Our membership runs yearly from 1st April to 31st March

Discounted options for Students, Parents and Families are available  for Winter Membership from late September until April.

If you have any questions please contact Glenn Rothwell via enquiries@horsforthtennisclub.co.uk 

Membership available:


Adult Early Bird Membership 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Full member accessing all social play, coaching, teams and club championship. Discount price of £125 available till 15 April 2025, thereafter normal price of £135.

Eligibility: Full adult member

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Earlybird Family Membership 2025-26

01/03/2025- 31/03/2026

Two related adults and their children up to four in number. Discounted price of £240 available till 15 April 2025, thereafter standard price of £260.00.

Eligibility: Adults don't have to be mum and dad, can be grandparents, aunt or uncle or sibling over 18 for example.

Up to 6 members

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Earlybird Junior Member 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

18 yrs old and under, discounted rate when joining before 15 April 2025. Thereafter £25.

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Parent Membership - 2025/26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Single Parent Membership

Eligibility: Membership For Parent To Play With Child/Children From Own Household Only

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