2020 Club Championships

Saturday 19 September 2020 saw Hunter Park stage two tournaments staggered to minimise player numbers off court between games. Our resident coach Lisa marshalled us into two groups: all ladies playing in the morning and then the gents and the Dutch in the afternoon. We were also celebrating seeing Lisa off on maternity leave - our resident coach, encourager and COVID-compliant organiser will be back in Spring 2021.

As you can see from the feedback below everyone had a great time. Congratulations to all and especially our winners: Inger & Chris. See you all next year!

“Thank you so much for organising this Lisa, it was such a laugh. 🥂... pretty tired now 😁 Xxx”

“So so much fun. Bring on the next one. Thanks a million to Lisa and everyone else. Xx”

“Thank you everyone for a really enjoyable time, and thank you Lisa for organising it all. Cx”

“Such fun & so well organised, thank you all, especially Lisa! Proud to be the ladies’ wooden spoon winner - the only way is up! 😁 Thanks for all being so brilliant & making Twyford so special. Good luck, Lisa, we’ll be thinking of you X”

“Thank you so much for organising yesterday Lisa ~ so much fun as ever. Good luck with everything and enjoy the well deserved rest. x”

“Sorry D for hampering your progress to a top 3 finish. Everyone else, great effort and most importantly great fun. Well done to Inger and Chris.”

🤣. Top 3 are what dreams are made of. One day maybe when all the good guys and girls are using Zimmer frames. Great day and great fun. At least the spoon is useful. Would go nicely with the one I got last time.”

“Thank you for organising Lisa. Lots of fun and enjoyed playing with everyone. Sounds like afternoon was fun too. Well done to the chicken dinners and amazing all day players!! Hope you enjoy some time to relax Lisa and looking forward to hearing your news. X”

“Brilliant day Lisa thank you so much for organising us making us all happy!! Super well done Chris and Inger!! Hope you have a relaxing month ahead Lisa you so deserve it!! Xxx”

“Top tournament Lisa!!! Well done Inger and Chris. Enjoyed watching this afternoon nearly as much as playing this morning. Thanks for the home comforts L and the toastie incentive - it worked!! Xx”

”Classic Twyford Tennis day. Thanks for organising Lisa and hats off to the Dutch girls... you is so fit!  Congrats to Inger and Chris 🏆

“What an epic day!!! Thanks so much for everything!!! We r all awesome tennis people because of you Lisa!! I will now eat all that choc! XX I am off for a run now.”

“Such fun! Thanks again Lisa. Xx”

“Lisa a big thank you for organising today. Must have been nearly as long a day as the girls that played right through. Loved it and so much fun. Good luck with baby coming and hope all goes well. See you soon. 👍👍