
Some Group Coaching to Resume 22nd June...

Dear Players

Thank you to everyone who provided feeback to whether you would like to start group coaching again. Based on your responses and Government and LTA guidelines we are now restarting some group coaching next week.

If you didn't receive an email (please check your SPAM) and you or your children did attend the group coaching please read the previous coaching news article and respond by email. 

This week we have sent out confirmation to some players that the 2 weeks of catch up group sessions will start on Monday 22nd June. Please note this does not include ANY REDS or TOTS  groups at this time.  These will however be caught up in July. The reason for this is a mixture of court availability and health and safety measures. 

To keep ratios acceptable some players who respond later may have  to attend at another time however in general your catch up session will be at the same time as it was before lockdown.

If you were part of a coaching group and would like to attend these catch up sessions but have not been in touch yet we continue to update our records so please get touch via



Huntingdon Tennis Centre Management Team