
Annual Ladies' Day Tournament

Congratulations to Kate Tomson and Vivienne Carney our joint winners of Ladies' Day 2024 and to Morag Hards and Maria Brennan for coming 2nd and 3rd respectively - very well played!

Thank you to all the ladies' who joined in the charity tournament today, it was great to see so many members enjoying an afternoon of tennis. The feedback has been fantastic and you generously raised a total of £225 for Cancer Research UK!

The day would not have been such a success without the support of our former chairman, Gareth Coombes-Olney, who provided an excellent buffet of home baked ham, salmon and various quiches, along with salads and his amazing homemade breads. He also found the time to bake a Victoria sponge cake with fresh strawberries, which was raffled to help raise additional funds for CRUK and won by a delighted Alison Lowy.

A huge thank-you also goes to Chris Hollands, our Head Coach, who organised the 4 rounds of tennis, kept everyone on track and presented the prizes to our winners with our current Chairman, Peter Ingelbrecht.

None of our events would happen without the help of our volunteers and today we were supported by Julian Keet and Nick Lowy, who kindly took over the washing up from Pam Jones and Morag Hards - thank you gents.

Well done everyone! Thank you for supporting your Annual Ladies’ Day and we look forward to seeing you all again in Summer 2025.

HLTC fundraiser for Cancer Research UK 24-25